Friday, April 10, 2009

Holy Week in Antigua, Guatemala

Hi again, Just back down from the Volcano. Thinking ahead I borrowed a couple of broomsticks from my landlady, and used them as hiking sticks. They came in handy as it was a steep trail with plenty of jagged bits of broken lava at the top. Having 2 was good, I had one to share with a woman who was needing a little extra help. Guess what do you know that alder grows up here on the high mountains? Many of the local folk accompanied us on horseback. They we're expecting some of us to poop out and hire a 4 legged taxi. I've got some pictures of lots of lava pouring out of the mountain and sliding down the slopes. Forgot to bring the marshmallows. The last couple of days we've witnessed many reenactments of Jesus last week before the crucifixion. I've been reading the account in John along with the Psalms 87,88, & 89. God has been opening up to me a picture of the power of God in the face a darkness that denies His existence. I think of some of his last words: Buck up, guys. I've beaten the powers that run this world" John 16:33 (my paraphrase). I'm working on another health talk, "Dealing with Depression". If any of you come across any good stuff I can use for my talks, send me an e-mail and include a link, if you've got one. Here are some of the titles: Dealing with Back Pain, Protecting Your Skin, Keeping Your Heart Healthy, Keeping your Lungs Healthy, Dealing with Joint Pain, Maintaining a healthy Weight, Balancing your Diet, Staying Fit for Busy People, Dealing with Stress, Dealing with Depression, Exercising Your Brain,...We appreciate your prayers too for Jane as she forges ahead in Spanish.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing these thoughts and your news, Gil.
I just found your blog - probably you mentioned it before, but I somehow missed that info. Remind people about it in your next email!