Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter 2009, Antigua, Guatemala

Hola, The last couple days, I´ve been focused on the reality of Jesus´resurrection. The world is changed. Whether we see it or not God´s kingdom has come.We´ve got Good News! I had another chance to glimpse, to feel it this weekend. Easter morning I climbed up Cerro de la Cruz to sing and pray with other Christians. We are a grand family united by his indestructible love. The cross couldn´t kill it. The grave couldn´t hold it down. Jesus is alive! The nails are rust, the thorns are dust, Jesus lives and loves in these hearts and in this world. Afterwards we got together with our house-mates to share breakfast together, our landlady is on vacation so we took care of each other. I feel like we have a privelege in sharing fellowship with others who are in the middle of big changes, a life adventure going who knows where? Later we went to El Camino Church where they focus on communicating in both English and Spanish. We got to sing everything twice, in both languages. I was very happy afterwards when April, the song leader gave me copies of the words with the guitar chords. Hope to carry the songs with me. We´re doing OK so far eating what the street venders are selling. I´m mostly staying away from anything not cooked, and things that are hard to wash like salads. Lots of beans, rice, tortillas, plantain, etc. Hope you´re all pushing up through the cold ground and blooming in new colors. I hear the tulips are coming up in Seattle. If you see my flower bed let me know how it looks. If you can send me a picture that would be great.

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