Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Back to Honduras

Hola Amigos!

I guess traveling is what un-jams my writer's block. This moss-covered rock is rolling again. I'm on my way to Honduras today. I'm part of a team from my church returning to work with the farmers of Nuevo Amanecer in central Honduras. 5 years now, we've been journeying with this village. There are 17 families digging out a living growing platano(plantain), corn, beans, and vegetables. They've built adobe homes, piped in water, built reservoirs, and a drip irrigation system for the platanos. Slowly they are paying off the loans that helped them buy the property, build their houses, and develop their farms. You can find out more about this work at Agros.org .

Our team will number 11, several of them first-timers. Our aim is to continue relationship building, encouraging them in their efforts, and helping out in the fields and in the homes. We work hard to learn everyone's names, and get their pictures, which helps us focus our monthly prayer times on them and the challenges they face throughout the year.

We've been asked to share something on conflict resolution and strengthening marriages. I thought maybe some of the talks I prepared on self-esteem for kids and staff at the San Buenaventura Children's Home might be helpful.

Speaking of the children's home, I'll be visiting them as well. I'm planning to take them on a couple of hikes.

This will be a shorter sojourn, only 3 weeks, and I'll be on my own, Jane has work to do and will be staying home. I will miss her. As I go I'm thinking about the story of Jesus in Matthew 14:17-21. Jesus, though his heart was broken for his friend John the Baptist, felt compassion for the crowds. His love didn't run out. Though the disciples had only 5 loaves and 2 fish, they fed 5000 plus people. He called his people to love like He loves. The key was bringing what they had to Him first, and then, transformed, they went back to those who were empty. My personal goal for this trip is to affirm my love for my friends and be a servant, someone God can shine His light through to brighten these lives.

Until later then, Adios! Gil

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